Home Bible Study Kits

Crieve Hall Church of Christ is committed to teaching our children (of all ages), as well as adults, the Bible, whether that is at our building or at home.

While we encourage all to come and participate in Bible study classes, we understand that circumstances sometimes prohibit that. Therefore, we have created an online gallery of resources including lessons, videos, and activities that can be done at home.

The resources available here include:

  • lesson plans on specific topics and themes to be used with a variety of ages (children and adults), or as a family
  • links and information about Bible classes that are available in real time (live) at specified times
  • websites for ideas and inspiration to support home bible study for all ages

Regular worship services will continue to be available on YouTube, and our website at 9am, 5:00pm, and Wednesday at 6:30pm. Bible classes will be Sunday at 10:15am and Wednesday at 5:15pm and 6:400pm. Spanish service will be available at 9:00 am (Contact Joel Boone)

This section of the website will be updated and edited as new resources are available. The Crieve Hall congregation has already been so responsive in providing ideas, help, and resources. Check it often for new opportunities to study and connect with God’s Word and other Christians.

Age specific lessons and live classes

Cradle roll – Preschool
SELF-DIRECTED | A Giant Picnic! Jesus Feeds the 5,000: Week 1 | Support toolsSongs
SELF-DIRECTED | A Giant Picnic! Jesus Feeds the 5,000: Week 2 | Support tools | Songs
SELF-DIRECTED | Joseph and his brothers | Support tools
SELF-DIRECTED | Who is my neighbor? The Good Samaritan
SELF-DIRECTED | Chariots of Fire
TOOLS | ABC Memory Verses

SELF-DIRECTED | Joshua: Spying Out the Land, Part 1
SELF-DIRECTED | Joshua: New Leader of Israel, Part 2
SELF-DIRECTED | Joshua: Crossing the Jordan, Part 3
SELF-DIRECTED | Joshua: Spies in Jericho, Part 4 | Support tools
SELF-DIRECTED | Parable of Sower and the Seed | Support tools
SELF-DIRECTED | A Giant Picnic! Jesus Feeds the 5,000: Week 1 | Support toolsSongs
SELF-DIRECTED | A Giant Picnic! Jesus Feeds the 5,000: Week 2 | Support tools | Songs
SELF-DIRECTED | The Lord’s Supper
SELF-DIRECTED | Esther, Part 1: Esther Becomes Queen
SELF-DIRECTED | Esther, Part 2: Esther Plans to Save the Jews
SELF-DIRECTED | Esther, Part 3: Esther Stands Up for Her People
SELF-DIRECTED | Chariots of Fire
TOOLS | ABC Memory Verses


Adult Classes
LIVE | Sunday Mornings | Jude | Andy Connelly | 9:30 am | Facebook
LIVE | Sunday Mornings | Salt and Light:  A Study of Christian Influence | Steve Cantrell and Adam Hobgood| 9:30 am | Facebook
LIVE* | Sunday Mornings | Selected Passages from the Prophets | Gary Hall | 9:30 am | JOIN WITH ZOOM | Meeting ID: 949 9039 1370 ***NEW TIME***

LIVE* | 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month | Encouragement for Everyday Living | Bill Merry and Mark Loftis | 6:30 pm | JOIN WITH ZOOM | Meeting ID: 837 6165 5831

LIVE* | Wednesday Evenings | God’s Expectations for Christian Men and Women | Gary Hall and Andy Richter | 7:10 pm | JOIN WITH ZOOM | Meeting ID: 920 3657 8841 | Passcode: 708418
LIVE* | Wednesday Evenings | Joel Boone (Spanish) | 7:10 pm | Contact Joel Boone
LIVE* | Wednesday Evenings | Women | See our Sisters, 23rd Psalms, Heather Duncan | 7:30 pm | JOIN WITH ZOOM | Meeting ID: 850 3757 9962 | Password: Bible

External resources

Mission Bible Class: Mission Bible Class has as its stated mission the equipping, mentoring, and promotion of God’s Word through Bible class teaching. The author values faithfulness to God and respect for children and families in diverse cultures and communities. The vision of Mission Bible Class is to teach children to value God’s Word in their everyday lives. For a full explanation of the purpose and vision of Mission Bible Class, click here: https://missionbibleclass.org/about/what-is-mission-bible-class/

The Bible Project: As stated on the website:

“BibleProject is a nonprofit animation studio that produces short-form, fully animated Bible videos and other Bible resources to make the biblical story accessible to everyone, everywhere. We create 100% free Bible videos, podcasts, and Bible resources to help people experience the story of the Bible.

From page one to the final word, we believe the Bible is a unified story that leads to Jesus. This diverse collection of ancient books overflows with wisdom for our modern world. As we let the biblical story speak for itself, we believe the message of Jesus will transform individuals and entire communities.”