Are you looking for a church home? Crieve Hall is a great congregation and we would love to talk with you about becoming a part of our family here. This page will address some common questions about the process.
First of all, anyone is welcome to join us for worship and Bible class. You don’t have to be a member here for this, but we do encourage everyone here to consider becoming a member of our congregation.
How does one become a member here? The process is pretty straightforward. You can speak with any of the elders or ministers and let them know. You can check your visitor card indicating that you’d like to know more about becoming a member, or you can phone us or email us and let us know.
Once we know your desire you will be asked to complete a short information form and then we will schedule a time for you to meet with some of our elders. Many of these meetings are scheduled after classes or services on Sundays or Wednesdays. During this meeting you will be able to ask questions about the church here, its leadership and our programs of work.
Additionally, the elders will ask you some questions about your spiritual life and what we can do to help you grow spiritually and eventually go to heaven.
After you become a member here we will want you to join with us in our work. A member involvement form will help us guide you to the specific ministries and areas where you can most be of service. Our Visitation program is an excellent way to get to know people here, as well as to get started on areas of Christian service.
We are glad that you are considering Crieve Hall as your church home and we look forward to getting to know you!