Ed Slayton, Director
Gary Wilder, Assistant Director & Librarian
Since the Crieve Hall congregation eldership took the oversight of this former night school in 1990, it has experienced remarkable growth both in enrollment and in new facilities on the church property.
An expansion project was completed in 1998 which resulted in two additional classrooms, a reception area, a work area, office and storage space. Renovation created a library, with 42 book cases, that offers the most significant Bible study opportunities in the area.
The real strength, however, is the faculty, consisting of Crieve Hall members and full-time preachers in the brotherhood from as far away as Georgia, conducting classes three nights weekly, on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
The student body is a diverse group, ranging from full-time ministers to part-time ministers and bible teachers, to entire families who simply want to study more about the Bible and Christ’s teachings. The name of the school was changed, adding “Biblical Studies”, to reflect the participation of women in the curriculum.
Click here or at the link at the top for the current term classes.
Nashville School of Preaching and Biblical Studies
4806 Trousdale Drive
Nashville, TN 37220
Telephone: 615-833-9976
E-Mail Address: nsp@crievehall.org